Theorem 2.4. [1] Let Sn be the symmetric Pascal matrix of order n
defined by (1), then Sn is similar to its inverse S
This result shows the following property of the eigenvalues of Sn.
Corollary 2.5. [1] Let Sn be the symmetric Pascal matrix of order
n defined by (1). Then the eigenvalues of Sn are pairs of reciprocal
Proof. Let Sn be the symmetric Pascal matrix of order n defined by
(1) and λ be an eigenvalue of Sn. Since the det(Sn) = 1, we know Sn
is invertible. It follows that λ 6= 0 and, λ
is an eigenvalue of S
Since Sn and S
are similar by Theorem 2.4, then Sn and S
n have
the same eigenvalues. Hence, λ and λ
−1 are eigenvalues of Sn, and the
eigenvalues of Sn are pairs of reciprocal numbers.
Remark 1. If n is odd, since the eigenvalues must come in pairs, one
of the eigenvalues must be equal to 1.
Theorem 2.4. [1] Let Sn be the symmetric Pascal matrix of order ndefined by (1), then Sn is similar to its inverse S−1n.This result shows the following property of the eigenvalues of Sn.Corollary 2.5. [1] Let Sn be the symmetric Pascal matrix of ordern defined by (1). Then the eigenvalues of Sn are pairs of reciprocalnumbers.Proof. Let Sn be the symmetric Pascal matrix of order n defined by(1) and λ be an eigenvalue of Sn. Since the det(Sn) = 1, we know Snis invertible. It follows that λ 6= 0 and, λ−1is an eigenvalue of S−1n.Since Sn and S−1nare similar by Theorem 2.4, then Sn and S−1n havethe same eigenvalues. Hence, λ and λ−1 are eigenvalues of Sn, and theeigenvalues of Sn are pairs of reciprocal numbers.Remark 1. If n is odd, since the eigenvalues must come in pairs, oneof the eigenvalues must be equal to 1.
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