5. Conclusion
In this paper, calculated the optical flows with RGB color separations method 4 types of fire are analyzed based on
dynamic textures. For the flaming plastics (polyurethane) fire and the flaming liquid (n-heptane) fire, before burning the
optical flow of polyurethane change from 0.10 to 0.18; the optical flow of n-heptane change from 0.12 to 0.21. And in the
middle stage of combustion the optical flow of polyurethane increase to 0.52-0.68; the optical flow of n-heptane increase
to 3.79-4.73.The changes before and after combustion are obvious. For the smoldering (pyrolysis) wood fire and the
smoldering Cotton fire, before the combustion the optical flows are small, in the middle of combustion, the optical flow of
wood will increase to about 0.54 and the optical flow of cotton will increase to about 0.83.
The Experimental results shows that dynamic texture analysis of fire with the Optical flow method based on RGB color
separations can detect the fire effectively.