The bacterial culture, Pseudomonas (IES-Ps-1) was available for this research study and was isolated by Hashmi (2001) from agricultural soil using enrichment culture technique. However, Cypermethrin adapted bacterial culture was obtained by acclimatization of IES-Ps-1 strain in a gradually increased concentration of Cypermethrin (5–120 mg/L) in a nutrient medium. Adapted IES-Ps-1 was stored at 4 °C on nutrient agar slopes containing 0.1 mg/L Cypermethrin. When a new batch of test was performed with different doses of pesticides, the stock culture was first subcultured into 10 ml nutrient broth, aerobically grown and subsequently utilized for characterization, growth and biodegradation studies.
Characterizations of IES-Ps-1 were performed using morphological, cultural and biochemical tests using methods described by Collins and Lyne (1985) up to the stage of genus.