Everyday Life / Profession:
You are in an easily irritable state. On the one hand there is a major surge of emotion (Scorpio New Moon with the influence of Neptune), on the other a toughened Mars in Capricorn that would like to bring everything under control and fails (Uranus-Mars). Are you angry? Then show it, and try to express your feelings. If you always repress and placate everything, your anger will make a sudden appearance and can be downright destructive. Pay attention to yourself, to that which stirs in you. Let your emotions exist, even if they are not pleasant ones. You do not have to please everyone, you do not have to feign an ideal world. Perhaps it is best for you now if you retreat entirely and take a walk in the woods. You should take time for yourself. Working hard also helps.
Partnership / Love:
Mars in Capricorn is a sign that you are ready for battle. In the sign of Capricorn, energy is concentrated and seldom discharges itself, but when it does, it does so thoroughly. So you have to be careful now that you do not react too harshly to your partner. Try to make use of little outlets when these offer themselves. Venus in Sagittarius shows that you would sometimes prefer to escape. And at the same time when this need is the strongest (Saturday), you especially feel what keeps you from doing so (Moon in Capricorn: responsibility, loyalty).