Mexico is a country full of ancient civilizations from different tribes spread out in an area of the country. today, such as the Mayan people. Nationals @ sathe c Nationals SA Pro Te c by from historical evidence, it was found that Mexico's current location. Agriculture is more than 7000 years before Christ. Academic development urban planning and public utility systems. Demonstrate how to reshape social system, a sophisticated and well-managed community area such as the Maya tribes until the Empire which spread their influence to cover khrongboriwen sathe is Mexico today. This Kingdom has approximately 15 million citizens. Is the capital city of Tenochtitlan, which name is currently in Mexico City? All to the glory of all resources and an abundance of gold and minerals to British occupation came in Spain in 1521 until Mexican independence from the people of Spain have been successful revolution in 1810, but within Mexico City.After a relatively stable no revolution because it was in people's dictatorship and the lack of benefits until they have raised a new draft Constitution revolution in 1917, which is taking part in the development of the political system, and society. As a result continued to raise the level of the people.