Kozak 8 has conducted interviews on 1,876 of British and German tourists visiting Mallorca and Turkey during the summer 1998. This research employs the Principal Component factor analysis as well as the subsequent varimax rotations analysis. From this research, it is observed that citizens of different countries visiting the same destination have different satisfaction levels. The British tourists are more inclined to satisfaction in all attributes as compared to the German tourists for both destinations under study. James and Law 9 conducted their research by employing the paired t-test in order to compare the level of expectation and the degree of satisfaction received by tourists. It is found that there is significant difference between the expected and the satisfaction received by the seven groups of tourists under study in terms of service quality, goods' quality, variation of products and the products' prices. The existence of significant difference is due to contrasting shopping habits between the tourists from Asia and Western countries. The Westerners are found to be more satisfied with almost all attributes tested. Theresia and Kay 10 conducted surveys/interviews on the tourists' satisfaction by employing integration approaches between conservative models namely, SERVQUAL and QFD (Quality Function Deployment). The Singapore's image from the perspective of the Indonesian tourists is evaluated. It is found that in general, the image of Singapore is positive. However, negative image is also found in terms of unfriendly Singaporeans and expensive goods' prices. Most of the past researches studied the perception and satisfaction of tourists and used the same methodologies such as this study. Most of them analyse the tourism services and prices at tourism destinations. However, this study is purely focus on perception and satisfaction of tourist derived from the environmental services