In vitro propagation of Curcuma longa (Turmeric)
Experiments were conducted for the standardization of in vitro culture technique for the mass propagation of Curcuma longaLinn.(Syn. C. domesticaValet.) is one of the important spice crops. It is a rhizomatous perennial belonging to family Zingiberaceae. Scooped rhizomatous buds were used as explants and they were cultured on MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of BAP, Kn and IAA both in individual and in combined form for shoot inductions and the best results were obtained from MS medium supplemented with BAP+IAA at the concentration of 2.0mg/l and 0.5mg/l respectively. Best root formation of in vitro developed shoots could be achieved on halt strength MS medium supplemented with IBA at concentration 1.0mg/l. The in vitro developed plantlets were transferred to pot and they were grown in greenhouse for hardening and finally they were planted in the open field. Around 90% of plants were successfully established in natural field condition.