Working Hours
Workers shall not be required to work in excess of the number of hours permitted by applicable law.
For land-based work: Workers shall be provided with weekly rest as required by law. Where the law is silent, normal working hours shall not exceed eight per day and 48 per week, total working hours including overtime shall not exceed 60, and one day of rest per seven-day work period shall be provided.
All overtime shall be voluntary. No worker shall be made to work overtime under the threat of penalty, dismissal, or denunciation to authorities. No worker shall be made to work overtime as a disciplinary measure, or for failure to meet production quotas.
1. Workers are not forced to work more than the number of hours allowed by applicable law. For land-based work, workers receive legally required weekly rest. For land-based work, where the law is silent, working hours do not exceed eight per day and 48 per week, total working hours including overtime do not exceed 60 hours in a week, workers receive one day of rest per seven-day work period.
2. All overtime work is voluntary.
3. Workers are free to refuse overtime work without threat or fear of punishment or reprisal.
4. Effective workplace and employer-wide measures are adopted to ensure full implementation and compliance with this policy, including continuous monitoring of hours worked to identify workers at risk of exceeding the limit, coordination of production and manpower planning.
5. Land-based workers track their own working hours using an electronic or other objective, verifiable timekeeping system.
6. For workers who agree to work overtime, a system is in place to obtain their written consent at the time of the request.
7. In cases where remuneration is based on productivity targets, for example piece rate, workers are not forced to work more overtime hours than allowed by applicable law in order to achieve their production quota.