“You cannot sleep, Xu Cheng, I order you not to sleep!” Liu Mang knows extremely well, if Xu Cheng fall asleep in his wounded state, he will die.
“General, please sing a song to me! Sing our army's anthem!”
“Yes, I will sing our army anthem to you, I WILL SING NOW, so don't you dare to sleep, you got me?!” Xu Cheng heard every word but every second, his blood gushes out of his chest.
“Let’s share the plate for breast! The king’s raised forces to the line. Let’s make our lances shine. Your foe is mine. Are you not battle-drest?
Let’s share the coat and vest! The king’s raised forces to the line. The king’s raised forces to the line. Your job is mine. Are you not battle-drest?
Let’s share the kilt and the rest! The king’s raised forces to the line. Let’s make our armor shine, And march, your hand in mine. Are you not battle-drest?
Country dispatched their troops to war, we repair the weapons, I and you are facing the common foe.”
TL: I am using Scar and Tchu's translation from Chapter 45, sorry brothers.
Xu Cheng really happy hearing this familiar song and said to Liu Mang in a very soft voice “General! Forgive me! Xu Cheng cannot...comply...your....or-....der!”
“Xu Cheng...XU CHENG!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” The teenager who died in Liu Mang's bosom. His name is Xu Cheng. That innocent face, that shy teenager closed his eyes forever with a smile on his face, free of any regret.
“HAHAHAHAHAHA! Chen Lan, come on kill me, kill me, you bastard!” Exclaimed Liu Mang who become mad, releasing Xu Cheng's head and start cursing toward Chen Lan army.
“Come on! You do not want this Liu Mang's head??? Liu Mang is here!!! Come, you fucker. END ME!!!!” Liu Mang really become a mad dog. Startling all Chen Lan army.
“Why all of you froze? Kill him! Kill him now!” Yelled Chen Lan angrily
Chen Lan Army do not want to move, because they fear Liu Mang!
“Do you want to disobey military order?!” Asked Chen Lan.
“Great King, he is--?!” Nearby Chen Lan army soldier is trying to ask their great king but he not yet said complete sentence suddenly “POOF!” His artery has been severed by Chen Lan. “Great King, why???” That soldier is disbelieve.
Chen Lan wiped blood on his face “If you do not kill him, I will kill you all! Is not he is just a person? Why you all fear him? If you kill him now, you are third king, you will become Chen Lan's brothers!”
“Yes, he is still a man not a demon, kill him, kill him will grant us third king!” As people always said, greed can overcome fear. Chen Lan army began to charge again.
“Forward, kill him!”