Views of child:
Samoe Eh Lah, child 1
He initially mentioned that he finished pau 2 at Thai school at Hwai Namnak while staying with the previous caregiver. He said that he was not very happy to stay with the previous caregiver at Hwai Namnak but he did not say why when asked. He however said that the previous caregiver had many children at home to take care of there. He said that he and his siblings arrived to the camp in March and he likes staying in this camp and he also has many friends. He is also very happy to stay with grandmother (Pah, current caregiver) because she loves them well that she cooks and cleans for them every day. He and his siblings also love her very much. He later said that he would like to continue studying at Thai school and the caregiver has managed for him to go to the school at the nearby Thai village called Plai No. When asked, he said that the grandmother and aunt in USA also called them regularly and they also want to reunite with them there.