although the enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation can
also be performed in a combined step – a so-called simultaneous
saccharification and fermentation (SSF). After
final purification (by distillation and molecular sieves or
other separation techniques), the ethanol is ready to be
used as a fuel, either neat or blended with petrol. A part of
the lignin, the principal solid part of the biomass remaining,
can be burnt to provide heat and electricity for the
process, whereas the rest is retained as a valuable coproduct.
The most probable use today would be as an
ash-free solid fuel, but various technologies are under
development to convert it to a higher-value product, which
could form the basis for a new branch of industrial chemistry
although the enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation canalso be performed in a combined step – a so-called simultaneoussaccharification and fermentation (SSF). Afterfinal purification (by distillation and molecular sieves orother separation techniques), the ethanol is ready to beused as a fuel, either neat or blended with petrol. A part ofthe lignin, the principal solid part of the biomass remaining,can be burnt to provide heat and electricity for theprocess, whereas the rest is retained as a valuable coproduct.The most probable use today would be as anash-free solid fuel, but various technologies are underdevelopment to convert it to a higher-value product, whichcould form the basis for a new branch of industrial chemistry
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