Mr Matthias Othmer has provided some documents to us indicating that an incorrect charge was made to their credit card by your property. For your reference, weโ€™ve attached the supporting documents to this email.
We have sent you a proof that the guest got charged with 10.200 THB.
Although we understand that mistakes can occasionally occur, weโ€™d like to arrange a satisfactory resolution to this issue as quickly as possible.
We ask you to kindly refund the guest 3660 THB and provide us with a refund document, such as a screenshot of an online bank statement, within the next 24 hours. You can send the necessary documents as a reply to this email.
Please bear in mind that if has to refund the guest on your behalf, the incurred costs may be invoiced to your property. You would receive an additional invoice for the charge.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please feel free to reach out to us.
We look forward to our continued partnership and mutual success.