First I would like to thank Arj. Teetima Potjanakeaw, the director of Faunagua, for giving me the opportunity to
do an internship within the organization. For me it was a unique experience to be in Bolivia and to study
an interesting animal species. It also helped to get back my interest in ecological research and to have
new plans for my future career.
I also would like all the people that worked in the office of Faunagua in Cochabamba. With their
patience and openness they created an enjoyable working environment.
Furthermore I want to thank all the scientist and students, with whom I did the fieldwork. We
experienced great things together and they have shown me a beautiful part of their country.
At last I would like to thank the Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management Group, especially
Dr. E. Peeters, to allow me to do this interesting internship.