The cause for this was the other side. At any rate, the capital’s noble society shouldn’t pay any attention to the head household and their likes either way.
Given that they are living at such remote place, you could even call it natural since there wouldn’t be any opportunity to get to know them.
“Eeto… the head house will mostly be isolated. As Wend should be the top of the branch family, Erich-san of the Brandt household, and Helmut-san of the capital’s Baumeister household will form a clan.” (Ina)
“Also, as husband Paul-dono will definitely establish an independent Knight household. Thus Paul-dono will also enter the clan.” (Vassal)
“Only the founder of the Baumeister household from 12 generations ago was a magician like Wendelin-dono. We are truly a common Knight household.” (Wilhelm)