ABSTRACT. This article specifies a comprehensive
model for workplace spirituality facilitation that integrates
various views from the existing research on workplace
spirituality facilitation. It outlines the significance of
workplace spirituality topic and highlights its relevance to
the area of ethics. It then briefly outlines the various
directions the existing workplace spirituality research has
taken. Based on this, it indicates that an integration of
the elements from various existing research works on
workplace spirituality facilitation into a comprehensive
workplace spirituality facilitation model could make relevant
contributions to the existing workplace spirituality
research. It then indicates that there are various points
of focus in workplace spirituality conceptualization and
facilitation views. It outlines various views from the existing
research on workplace spirituality facilitation. Drawing
on the elements of these various workplace spirituality
facilitation views, it specifies a comprehensive model of
workplace spirituality facilitation. It outlines how the various
parts and linkages depicted in the comprehensive
model of workplace spirituality facilitation are consistent
with and are supported by the various views of workplace
spirituality facilitation that it seeks to integrate. It then
outlines how the comprehensive model specified can guide
the future research in the area of workplace spirituality
and how it can provide inputs to leadership and organization
development (OD) efforts for workplace spirituality