• A review of the operating cash flow forecasts prepared by management covering the 12-month period from August 2016, including a review of key assumptions made in preparing those forecasts (including our ability to continue to reduce our cost base via restructuring and through continued KCS GCI support).
• Continued strong support from our majority shareholder, KuangChi Science Limited, as evidenced by the provision of a Letter of Financial Support committing to provide adequate funds to the Company to enable us to complete the development and commercialisation of the Jetpack in the 12 months from the date of signing of the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2016, providing there remains appropriate commercial rationale for the funding to be provided.
• Confidence in our ability to complete the Series 1 aircraft enabling capability demonstrations to be undertaken, which will underpin our ability to secure R&D funding and raise further share capital if required.