An example of this network of elements from the present study would be the symbols " science " or " scientist " deriving their meaning in part by the associated premises and rules such as " a scientist is motivated by the desire to benefit society. " Philipsen (1997) also says that speech codes have the force they do because they are " socially legitimized, " that is, " [t]he association of code elements, which are involved in discourse, with the memory of life experiences in these socializing contexts, endows them with a sense of legitimacy and normalcy " (p. 149). "
Article: Notions of Identity, Society, and Rhetoric in a Speech Code of Science Among Scientists and Engineers Working in Nanotechnology
Deborah R. Bassett
[Show abstract]
Science Communication 01/2012; 34(1):115-159. DOI:10.1177/1075547011417891 · 2.08 Impact Factor