proposed models, Pearson‟s product moment correlations
among the independent and dependent variables were
examined to justify the use of regression analysis. Only
the extraversion trait was significantly correlated with the
average of six items in Facebook intensity scale
(r=0.170), giving a moderately small positive correlation.
The predictor variables that made a statistically significant
contribution to Facebook use was extraversion and
neuroticism traits yielding F-ratio of 4.196, (p>0.001). The
value in the model was a small 5.9 percent. This
leaves 94.1 percent to be explained by other factors,
therefore suggests that the resulting model has not given
the best fit of data (Cohen, 1992) (Table 4).
The second model, a total of five personality variables
was entered simultaneously and served to be the
independent variables in the model. The number of
Facebook friends in Ellison et al‟s Facebook Intensity
Scale was positively associated with extraversion and
negatively associated with neuroticism. The R2 value in