Pollution control is one of the prime concerns of society
today. Untreated or partially treated wastewaters and industrial
effluents into natural ecosystems pose a serious problem to the
environment. Among the industrial wastewaters, the removal of
color from dye bearing effluents is one of the major problems
due to the difficulty in treating such wastewaters by conventional
treatment methods. This is because synthetic dyes have
a complex aromatic molecular structure, which makes them
more stable and difficult to biodegrade [1]. Although number
of processes like flocculation, chemical coagulation, precipitation,
ozonation and adsorption has been employed for the
treatment of dye bearingwastewaters, they possess inherent limitations
such as high cost, formation of hazardous by-products
and intensive energy requirements [2]. Biological processes such
as bioaccumulation and biodegradation have been proposed as
having potential application in removal of dyes from dye bearing
Pollution control is one of the prime concerns of societytoday. Untreated or partially treated wastewaters and industrialeffluents into natural ecosystems pose a serious problem to theenvironment. Among the industrial wastewaters, the removal ofcolor from dye bearing effluents is one of the major problemsdue to the difficulty in treating such wastewaters by conventionaltreatment methods. This is because synthetic dyes havea complex aromatic molecular structure, which makes themmore stable and difficult to biodegrade [1]. Although numberof processes like flocculation, chemical coagulation, precipitation,ozonation and adsorption has been employed for thetreatment of dye bearingwastewaters, they possess inherent limitationssuch as high cost, formation of hazardous by-productsand intensive energy requirements [2]. Biological processes suchas bioaccumulation and biodegradation have been proposed ashaving potential application in removal of dyes from dye bearingwastewater
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