the production and consumption of herbal beverages has increasedin recent years due to their health benefits. Pennywort juice is one of the popular cooling drinks in this respect. To preserve this juice, it is often subjected to heat treatment which could certainly destroy microorganisms but which may have an undesirable effect on nutritional and organoleptic properties. Nonthermal
methods for juice processing such as ultra-high-pressure processing(HPP) represent highly promising technologies to supersede the raditional thermal processes. Ultra-high pressure is frequently appliedin juice processing because it can eliminate vegetative bacteria,
yeasts, and molds with minimal damage to heat-sensitive compounds. This method is capable of maintaining freshness and raditional thermal processes. Ultra-high pressure is frequently applied
in juice processing because it can eliminate vegetative bacteria,
yeasts, and molds with minimal damage to heat-sensitive
compounds. This method is capable of maintaining freshness and
nutritive value .nutritive value .