The name of a great monarch often goes down to posterity in connection withsome great law-book. That of the Emperor Justinian, who had been a greatgeneral, is handed down to us more in connection with his famous codes than inconnection with any of his great wars. Napoleon is now remembered equally wellin connection with warfare as in connection with codification, but as time goes on,the glories of his famous wars will fade into obscurity and the time will comewhen, as in the code of Justinian, Napoleon's name will be remembered more inconnection with his famous codes than in connection with his famous wars. lt maythen be said that the recent promulgation of the penal code for the Kingdom of Siam was an event of no small significance to His Majesty, King chulalongkorn of Siam. indeed, any one who reads His Majesty's preamble to the penal codecannot fail to be impressed with the deep appreciation His Majesty has of theimportance of the steps His Majesty is taking in regard to the enactment of thiscode and other codes that are to follow.Excerpt from Tokichi Masao, The Newpenal code of Siam, 18 Yale Law J