The postures contained in the Static Posture Database are: i)
seated upright; ii) leaning forward; iii) leaning left; iv) learning
right; v) right leg crossed; vi) left leg crossed; vii) leaning left
with right leg crossed; viii) leaning right with left leg crossed;
ix) leaning back; and x) slouching. These postures are similar
to the 14 postures utilized in the single-user system with two
exceptions. First, the two types of leg crossing (one with knees
touching, the other with a foot on the other knee) have been combined,
thus postures 5) and 6) are now v), and postures 7) and 8)
are now vi). Second, the two postures that require a subject to
sit on a foot, namely 9) and10), have been eliminated because
some subjects are unable to do so.
The training of a multiuser static posture classification system
is essentially the same as that of a single-user system, except that