All seed samples were collected from different
localities of Rajasthan viz Ajmer, Alwar,
Bharatpur, Jaipur and Kota. From each sample
200 seeds were tested. Two methods, blotter
and potato dextrose agar, recommended by
ISTA (1966) were used. For the standard blotter
method, untreated seeds and seeds after
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treatment with 0.1% Sodium Hypochlorite for 10
minutes were placed on three layers of
moistened blotter, 10 seeds per Petri dish. The
plates were then incubated in B.O.D incubator at
25± 2°C for 8 days under 12 hrs alternating
cycles of light and darkness. The treated and
untreated seed components were plated on PDA
in the same way for Agar method. Thus, the
exposed seeds were examined on the 9th day
under stereo binocular microscope for the
presence of seed borne pathogens if any. The
method suggested by Mathur et al., (1975)11 was
used to detect the location of seedborne fungi
with slight modification.