In the first class of biology that Matin Holmes is professor. My first impression of him is his introduce to lesson by questions. It make interest to the lesson. He asked “what is the most important substance in biology?” The answer is water. He said that the water we use in present is the same the water the dinosaurs must have waded through a million years ago. After that, he taught about water cycle and some properties of water. Over time, I learned something about Professor Holmes. He is a man of knowledge but is not a good professor because his teaching and teaching techniques are not enough for students. The classroom lack of students’ participation. I think in the first day of class professor should make a good impression between students and himself. He should create some individual thinking and writing time. Such as the professor order students to write an agreement that they want. And he should have everybody in class introduce themselves. The last he should conduct the class and small group discussion. If professor create good classroom’s feeling, students are enjoy the class