In addition to Chad and Uryu (with them getting those lame careers in the end for example), Kubo also f***ed up Unohana and Komamura along with Ukitake! Yachiru was someone who Kenpachi loved and lost, she was not an enemy or Unohana! I loved how Komamura's past was ambiguously left up to interpretation but now it was ruined! The Quincy were near extinct, but the fact so many were still alive and Uryu (as well as the rest of the Soul Society) could never tell? Bulls***! The Soul King was pathetic! I prefered when he was more of an omnipresent force, never seen and only talked of (like the Man in the Moon in Rise of the Guardians), since when did this become about killing God!? Yhwach just felt like an evil Jesus! The revalation of Ichigo's mother as a Quincy just came out of nowhere too! If Ichigo wee part Quincy then Uryu should have sesned it! Kurotsuchi reviving Arrancar felt forced too! Not to mention the "truth" about Zangetsu and Hollow Ichigo! Really!? Of all time!? The idea of Hollow Ichigo being Ichigo's true Zanpakuto and Zangetsu being the manifestation of Ichigo's supposed "Quincy powers"!? Right out of left field and untrue! I also preferred how Kenpachi's Zanpakuto remained a mystery too! Having Aizen become an ally!? No way! Then there is just killing off many of out favorite characters (Unohana, Yamamoto, Ukitake, Chōjirō Sasakibe) for no other reason then pointless shock value! The leaving the fates of many others unanswered for no reason! It is like it when into a an entirely alternative parallel universe! An upside-down where nothing is how it should be! No other words can describe what I feel about this other than betrayed and disappointed! This was not just a disapointment, it was indeed a betrayl! Bleach had a good run, but after the anime and volume 54 it is now it's dead to me! Same for you!?