Woudstra et al. applied three different HRSG system design for the application of exergy analysis tools for the evaluation of alternative designs of combined cycle plants and carried out exergy destruction calculations for the each component [2]. Petrakopoulou et al. [3] analyzed a combined cycle power plant using both conventional and advanced exergetic analysis methods. Besides the classic exergy efficiency analysis they also concluded the exergy analysis by splitting the exergy destruction term into avoidable, unavoidable, endogenous and exogenous parts [3]. Bagdanavicius et al. carried out exergy, energy and exergoeconomic analysis of four community energy supply systems including combined cycle power plant using natural gas and found out that CCPP is the most exergy efficient system with the lowest exergy cost of electricity and heat produced [4]. Bassily [5] investigated the techniques for reducing the irreversibility of HRSG of combined cycles also modelled and analyzed modern cooling methods forcommercial combined cycles. According to the study to decrease the temperature differences of pinch points and reduce mass flow rates for steam drums reduce the irreversibility [5].