The failure may
be due to focusing on less relevant, or even entirely irrelevant,
determinants. Alternatively, the selected strategies/
interventions may be inappropriate as a way of
steering the relevant determinants of the innovation
process. These insights are applied in the present study.
Intervention: FTE exercise programme
A functional task exercise programme for the elderly
(FTE) has been developed and tested [10-12,14]. FTE is
a group-based exercise programme to be provided by
physiotherapists or remedial therapists (such as Cesar
therapists or Mensendieck therapists). It directly targets
daily tasks in the domains that are affected early in the
aging process. The aim of FTE is to increase the functional
independence of older adults in daily life. The
programme specifically targets four domains:
1. movements with a vertical component like walking
up stairs,
2. movements with a horizontal component like
walking around,
3. transporting an object,
4. transfers, for example moving from a lying/sitting/
standing position.