The flowers Camellia as the flower of the day 24-31 January. Camellia flowers shaped like a large rose As it slipped its petals are distinguished individual identity. Also bear the freshness is long, as well as the elegance of it.
A bouquet Camellia created rapture little wood to the recipient. Camellia flower or flower tea in Chinese called pinyin or scenes, Huo, the Japanese call TSUBAKI in family Theaceae. A native plants from East Asia and South Asia. The Himalayas east to Japan and Indonesia has more than 100-250 species.
The flowers Camellia is ornamental flowering variety of colors ranging from white flowers, pink, red and yellow flowers that are both single and double petal petals plants like cold weather. If the above is very expensive, about 6 000-10 000, respectively. But if the tree was a few hundred.
The meaning of flower Camellia mean lofty ideal, ideal love, humility.