The company does not believe the personal-loan business will have a positive outlook for 2015 and grow by double digits as in the past three years because high living costs are still putting pressure on the debt ratio.
The signs of purchasing power regaining life since June are providing a boost to credit-card spending, while the company's partners, especially modern trade such as shopping malls, have started resuming marketing campaigns to attract traffic.
"Several partners have adjusted their measures to enhance spending after they witnessed lower sales in the first half. All marketing budgets for personal loans will be used for credit cards instead. This year, the marketing budget was set at Bt3 billion, up by 12 per cent from last year," Thakorn said.
Krungsri Consumer projects its credit-card spending to rise 12 per cent to Bt280 billion.
The number of new credit cards issued might not meet the target, so the firm will focus on card spending, especially for dining at Japanese restaurants and shopping at malls.
"We will also emphasise the zero [interest] rate with long instalmentprogramme for First Choice cards and zero rate with short-term instalmentprogramme for Krungsri credit cards in the second half," he said.