University libraries invest scores of rupees every year on the collection development in order to meet the need of users. In order to maximize the use of library resources, every library should build up its collection keeping in mind the need of users; and library should be designed with changing information environment. This study revealed that nearly half of the total respondents visit library regularly and borrowing books is the main purpose of visiting library, followed by reading print journals and having access to online periodicals, reference sources and to read newspaper/magazine. This study revealed that printed books are still occupying a predominate place in library to meet students’ information needs. Tezpur University subscribed 906 titles of current journals (print, 139; online, 767) and three databases through INDEST – AICTE Consortium and other publishers. The UGC-In-fonet Consortia of INFLIBNET Center is providing access to 7500 e-journals and eleven databases. The study revealed that students and research scholars are highly satisfied with the collection of online journals and use