Productivity. Productivity is the ratio of output to input. An example is a restaurant server who is being paid $10 an hour and is responsible for providing service to three tables. Assume that if this individual does an average job, his guests on a particular evening will spend a total of $400 a night. Thus productivity is equal to $400/10=40. However, if the server is well trained and knows how to sell the menu properly and provide quality service, the guests will spend a total of $500. As a result of the server’s performance, productivity will increase to $500/10=50. The restaurant will generate greater revenue (output), while its hourly wage for the server (input) will remain at $10 (although the individual might do quite well with tips). This example helps explain how increased productivity can result in higher sales and profit for the organization, greater revenue (tips) for the server, and better-quality service for the guest