• Networking protocol:
– Defines the set of rules that govern the exchange
of informa0on over a telecommunica0ons channel
• Channel bandwidth:
– Refers to the rate at which data is exchanged,
usually expressed in bits per second
• Geographic area covered by a network:
– Determines whether it is called PAN, LAN, WAN
Principles of Informa0on Systems, Eleventh
Edi0on 63
Summary (con0nued)
• Telecommunica0ons and networks:
– Crea0ng profound changes in business because
they remove the barriers of 0me and distance
• Networks:
– Let users share hardware, programs, and
databases across the organiza0on
– Can transmit and receive informa0on to improve organiza0onal effec0veness and efficiency
Summary (con0nued)
• Telecommunica0ons and networks:
– Crea0ng profound changes in business because
they remove the barriers of 0me and distance
• Networks:
– Let users share hardware, programs, and
databases across the organiza0on
– Can transmit and receive informa0on to improve
organiza0onal effec0veness and efficiency