The usage of data mining to maintain websites and improve their functionality
is an important field of study.
Patterns extracted from applying data mining techniques on web data can be used to maintai
n websites by
improving their usability through simplifying user navigation and information
accessibility and improving the
content and the structure of the website in a way that meets the requirements of both webs
ite owner and user which
will consequently increase the overall profit of the business.
Web mining is the use of data mining techniques to extract useful patterns from
the web. Those extracted patterns
are used to improve the structure of websites, improve the availability of t
he information in the websites and the
way those
pieces of information are introduced to the website user, and to improve data re
trieval and the quality of automatic
search of information resources available in the web. Web mining can be divided i
nto three major categories: web
usage mining, web content mining, and web structure mining.