effort and money will be spent for the collection of data, which in the end
will not be used.
The key questionsfor any land use planning process are:
- What are the past and present land uses?
- Who is using what piece of land for what purpose? (What user groups
exist? What are their rights over the land they use? etc.);
- How satisfied are the land users as well as other stakeholders with the
current land use scheme?
- What’s the overall land tenure situation (existing types of land rights)?
- What problems or obstacles do land users and other stakeholders face
in respect to access to and use of land?
- What land use and/or land ownership conflicts do exist?
- Which additional land use potentials do exist?
- What is foreseen in existing sector plans for the same area?
- What are local people’s needs and interests? How can they be satisfied?
- How can local land use needs and overarching land use objectives be
- Which infrastructure is relevant for the existing/future land uses?
- What are the natural and socio-economic resources available/relevant
for current and future land uses?
Information and data can be categorizedin the following way:
- Population, demographic trends, migration;
- Actors and institutions;
- Land and other resources, including information on biodiversity, conservation values, ecosystem services etc;
- Environment, e.g. availability of water, climate trends, natural hazards;
- Past, present and future land use;
- Production and trends;
- Infrastructure;
- Social services;
- Topographic references;
- Administrative boundaries.