liked both the subject and the tasks. I also
gradually started to prefer computer graphics to
other more complicated and urgent subject.
Every result I obtained brought a great pleasure
to me. Viewing 3D scene is more exciting for me
than a grey window of database application…”.
“… Knowledge gained in the computer
graphics subjects may be sometimes used in very
unexpected situations. Software I took part in the
development of may serve as an example. Its
purpose was to set up a national network for on
line tickets selling. It seemed to be a typical
database transaction application. This application
became very attractive and got more professional
look by adding simple colour three-dimensional
model of the auditorium that could be rotated and
enabled seat reservation in the area chosen by the
potential customer…”.
These and similar remarks are rather common
and typical. At the beginning students show
some hesitation towards computer graphics but
gradually it becomes a favourite subject for
them. They find the solution of graphical
problems to be a meaningful task producing
impressive result suitable for presentation.
During the solution of the problems students
often do not realize the fact that they work on a
task aimed only at extending and deepening their
abilities in applying information technology.
6. Acknowledgements
This research has been partially supported by
the Research plan of the Czech Ministry of
Education No. MSM 184500002.