General Notes
(a) The Authority shall be the Director of Lands in respect of leases, the Building Authority in respect of building plans, and the respective District Planning Conferences in respect of planning briefs, taking advice from Transport and other relevant Departments.
(b) The minimum provision of parking agreed by the Authority shall not normally count for the gross floor area of a proposed development; any higher provision may be counted for gross floor area. The agreed standard shall, where appropriate, be incorporated in lease conditions.
(c) For all unspecified commercial and community facilities, provision shall be as determined by the Authority in line with the Statement of Intent. Wherever feasible, provision shall be within the site.
(d) All traffic access dimensions shall be in accordance with specifications in the Buildings Ordinance and appropriate standard drawings of the Highways Department and details of design in the Transport Department's Transport Planning and Design Manual.
(e) Where different types of development (e.g. residential development, community facilities) are included on the same site, the appropriate standards should be applied cumulatively; some reduction may be permitted, however, when it is evident that demand will occur substantially at different times.
(f) In all non-residential developments, additional parking spaces for motorcycles at the rate of 5 to 10% of the total provision for private cars with respect to each type of development should be provided. In the case of subsidised housing, the calculation shall be based on 1 motorcycle parking space per 110-250 flats excluding one person/two persons flats as well as non-residential elements. In the case of private housing, the calculation shall be based on 1 motorcycle parking space per 100-150 flats excluding non-residential elements. As a general guideline, parking spaces for motorcycles, whether on-street or off-street, should be 1m (width) x 2.4m (length). However, in cases of site constraint, a minimum standard of 1m x 2m could be considered acceptable.
(g) Dimensions for standard parking spaces and loading/unloading bays are as follows: