What foods are forbidden during Passover?
Certain meats may not be eaten. Forbidden meats include (but are not limited to): pork, shellfish, lobster, shrimp, crab, rabbit, and seafood without fins or scales (like swordfish and sturgeon). Also, any products made with ingredients from these meats (example—pig ingredients in non-kosher gelatin) cannot be used.
Meat must not be eaten in combination with dairy. So, no cheese, butter, or cream sauce on your beef or chicken dish.
Fish and eggs are considered neutral. They can be served with dairy or with meat.
For more details on these basic kosher restrictions. Chametz. All Jews, both Sephardic and Ashkenazi, prohibit the eating of chametz during Passover. Chametz includes any food product or recipe made with the following grains: Wheat,Oats,Rye,Barley,Spelt