Figure 7. Scheme of cleaning dirt by common microfibres.
Microfibres are the well-kept secret of professional housekeepers, custodians and car retailers. They
are perfect for asthma and allergy sufferers, as they remove dust and dust mites without chemicals.
They are also excellent at removing fingerprints from any surface. Grease, tar, splattered bugs come
off with the cleaning cloth. They changes the static charge on the surface so it will stay cleaner longer
which is important for TV screens, computer monitors, and mirrors.
Energy conservation
Experiments have shown the drastic savings in the energy consumption in heat exchanges which are
brought about by using metal-coated microfibres. In this case, the microfibre shows its heat conveying
properties. By using the metal-coated microfibres inside the tubes of heat exchangers, heat transfer
enhancement can be achieved. The findings of the above experiments are as follows: