A total of 175 crossed healthy weaning pigs [(Yorkshire
Landrace)Duroc] with an average body weight (BW) of
8.0470.92 kg (28d of age) were used in a 33 days experiment.
Pigs were randomly allotted to 1 of 5 experimental diets according
to initial BW in a randomly complete block design. There were
7 replicated pens per treatment with 5 pigs (3 gilts, and 2 bor-rows) per pen. Dietary treatments were: 1) CON: basal diet, no
antibiotic 2) CONþ0.5 g ALA/kg of diet (ALA05), 3) CONþ1 g ALA/
kg of diet (ALA10), 4) CONþ0.5 g LAC/kg of diet (LAC05), and 5)
CONþ1 g LAC/kg of diet (LAC10). The experiment included 3 pha-ses (5-14-14 day phase feeding; phase 1, provided during d 1 to 5;
phase 2, provided during d 6 to 19, and phase 3, provided during d
20 to 33). All diets were formulated to meet or exceed the re-commendation ofNRC (2012)for weaning pigs, and were fed in a
mash form (Table 1). ALA, and LAC as powder form were supplied
by EasyBio, Seoul, Korea, and added at 0.5, and 0.1 g/kg to the basal
diet, respectively. All pigs were housed in an environmentally
controlled nursery room. The stainless steel pens were
0.5 m0.6 m2.0 m with a slatted plasticfloor. Each pen was
provided with a stainless steel feeder and a nipple waterer that
allowed ad libitum access to feed and water throughout the ex-periment. Ventilation was provided by a mechanical system an