After extracting, cleaning and transforming, data must be
loaded into the warehouse. Additional preprocessing may still
be required: checking integrity constraints; sorting;
summarization, aggregation and other computation to build
the derived tables stored in the warehouse; building indices
and other access paths; and partitioning to multiple target
storage areas. Typically, batch load utilities are used for this
purpose. In addition to populating the warehouse, a load
utility must allow the system administrator to monitor status,
to cancel, suspend and resume a load, and to restart after
failure with no loss of data integrity
LoadAfter extracting, cleaning and transforming, data must beloaded into the warehouse. Additional preprocessing may stillbe required: checking integrity constraints; sorting;summarization, aggregation and other computation to buildthe derived tables stored in the warehouse; building indicesand other access paths; and partitioning to multiple targetstorage areas. Typically, batch load utilities are used for thispurpose. In addition to populating the warehouse, a loadutility must allow the system administrator to monitor status,to cancel, suspend and resume a load, and to restart afterfailure with no loss of data integrity
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