The use of information systems to add value
to the organization is strongly influenced by
organizational structure, culture, and change
Identify the value-added processes in the supply
chain and describe the role of information systems
within them
Provide a clear definition of the terms
organizational structure, culture, and change and
discuss how they affect the implementation of
information systems
Objectives (continued)
Because information systems are so
important, businesses need to be sure that
improvements or completely new systems
help lower costs, increase profits, improve
service, or achieve a competitive
Identify some of the strategies employed to
lower costs or improve service
Define the term competitive advantage and
discuss how organizations are using
information systems to gain such an advantage
Discuss how organizations justify the need for
information systems
Objectives (continued)
Cooperation between business managers
and IS personnel is the key to unlocking the
potential of any new or modified system
Define the types of roles, functions, and careers
available in information systems
Why Learn About Information
Systems in Organizations?
Information systems (ISs) can cut costs and
increase profits
Students in most fields need to know ISs
Management major might be hired to design a
system to improve productivity
Biochemistry major might be hired to conduct drug
research using computer techniques
Organizations and Information
Organization: a formal collection of people
and other resources established to
accomplish a set of goals
An organization is a system - has inputs,
processing mechanisms, outputs, and
Inputs to the system: resources such as materials,
people, and money
Outputs to the environment: goods or services