what do tourism managers manage
tourism is widely attributed as a service sector activity that has a high level of customer contact.Depite the wide range of thasks managers undertake, there are three principal management functions which tourism businesses need to be involed in when dealing with people as customers: marketing, opertional issues and human resource management. Although other functions are important, these three are crucial where the service output is intangible. In a tourism is a context, the intanggilbe elements, quality of delivery and evaluation of experiences being difficult to visualize. The heterogeneity (i.e.diversity),perishability (i.e.a tour cannot be stored and sold at a different time) and intangibility of tourism services make marketing a challenge when combined with two other key probleme:
1.the customer must travel to the product/resource base to consume it
2.the operator has little influence over the tourim activity (holiday)