While about 75% of the scavengers picked waste as a full time activity for their sustenance, others (approximately 25%) re-ported that they combined scavenging with seasonal work andother trades or training to supplement family income. About100% of plastic scrap scavengers reported that they enjoyeda boom in the dry season and during festivities. During theraining season some of them resort to alternative occupation tomeet their needs since there is short period of scarcity ofrecoverable materials in that season. The opposite holds for metal scrap scavengers. Carpentry and wood crafting representthe highest (27.8%) alternative employment of scavengers, whilepetty trading, masonry and construction work take the secondplace (each representing 22.2%). To a small extent, scavengers
resort to machine operation as an alternative occupation (11.1%).
Some of the scavengers interviewed were part-time students as
well (16.7%).