growing beans and lettuce
plants in chambers for 14 days on a polluted and non-polluted soil. Assessment
of negative effects on plants was based on the measurement
of biochemical biomarkers. None of the previous studies addressed the
issue of the spatial diffusion and distribution (horizontal and vertical)
of themetal pollutants in the agricultural soils of the area nor the actual
risk of metal transferal to vegetables cropped in the area. Nevertheless,
the widespread PTE contamination of soils, river sediments and waters
in the farmland might have a potential impact on the health of people
living in the area and consuming locally-produced vegetables. This
made it essential to gain insights into the retention mechanisms and
mobility of metals in soils and the level of translocation of metal contaminants
to the edible parts of vegetables. These objectives were
achieved by investigating the extent and geochemical distribution of
PTE contamination in selected soils of the farmland area and the related
transfer of PTEs to lettuce plants (Lactuca sativa) grown on the same
soils. Lettuce was chosen as a ‘biomonitoring’ plant because it is widely
grown and consumed in the study area. In Italy, lettuce is themost common
leafy vegetable grown, accounting for 50% of total acreage and
production concentrated in the regions Puglia, Sicily and Campania
(1554 ha mostly located in Salerno province) (ISTAT, 2013).
growing beans and lettuceplants in chambers for 14 days on a polluted and non-polluted soil. Assessmentof negative effects on plants was based on the measurementof biochemical biomarkers. None of the previous studies addressed theissue of the spatial diffusion and distribution (horizontal and vertical)of themetal pollutants in the agricultural soils of the area nor the actualrisk of metal transferal to vegetables cropped in the area. Nevertheless,the widespread PTE contamination of soils, river sediments and watersin the farmland might have a potential impact on the health of peopleliving in the area and consuming locally-produced vegetables. Thismade it essential to gain insights into the retention mechanisms andmobility of metals in soils and the level of translocation of metal contaminantsto the edible parts of vegetables. These objectives wereachieved by investigating the extent and geochemical distribution ofPTE contamination in selected soils of the farmland area and the relatedtransfer of PTEs to lettuce plants (Lactuca sativa) grown on the samesoils. Lettuce was chosen as a ‘biomonitoring’ plant because it is widelygrown and consumed in the study area. In Italy, lettuce is themost commonleafy vegetable grown, accounting for 50% of total acreage andproduction concentrated in the regions Puglia, Sicily and Campania(1554 ha mostly located in Salerno province) (ISTAT, 2013).
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