SUMMARY: Errors are unavoidable in the work environment. Accidents result from human errors and system errors causing unexpected harm and damage. Work-related accidents incur huge losses in terms of life and property. There are various theories of accident causation. Some attribute acci dents to human causes, and others to system and management lapses. Some people, because of unawareness, complacency or recklessness, are more prone to errors than others even when expo sed to equal number of risk factors. Cognitive overload and other behavioral and moral problems also may cause errors and, thus, accidents. In groups, people may succumb to groupthink and may develop an illusion of invulnerability, as was the case with the Titanic and the Challenger disasters. The government should effectively enforce health and safety laws in workplaces. The management can play vital role in reduction of errors and accidents. It can deploy psychologists to minimize or reduce error and accident rates. Safety training is also of essential importance in modern work environments. Sick buildings are to be corrected by the management as soon as the hazards come to notice.