n order for America to become the nation God intended the conversation on cultural differences must take place. Reading these articles and sparking the conversation, and or debate will assist the reader in becoming a better rounded employee, neighbor, and American citizen.
America is changing fast, and we must keep up with the changes in people, their customs, and their beliefs. As people come to the USA they bring with them their differences, and if America is to become and remain the greatest nation on earth these differences must be excepted and understood. Americans must be more tolerant of other languages,religions, and foods that others enjoy.
Through the next series of articles issues like race, homo-sexuality, prayer in public schools, and other controversial topics will be discussed. There are many different opinions on these issues, and some of them will be explored. Maybe a new view point can be established after some new information is shared, and the whole country can become more cultural competent as a result. The conversation must be held before America can reach that place where it is no longer a melting pot, and it becomes a vegetable salad. Where all the ingredients can maintain their color, shape, flavor, and all add to the beauty of the salad.
We will explore opinions of many different people from many walks of life, and try to make since of these differences. The only way we can get there is to have these conversations.
This is a great nation, and it has some very good people. But their is much work to be done for America to become what she is capable of becoming.
Many people are afraid to approach this subject because it is uncomfortable, and it requires people to go where they don't want to go. For many years issues of race and cultural differences were swept under the rug to be dealt with later. Now is the time America, and we cannot wait any longer.
The fact that we have a black president in the White House may be the best time for America to have this conversation. Some fear if it does not happen now, it will never happen. So look forward to the next article and see where this conversation takes us.