48. PIXE-based quantification of health-proactive trace elements in genetically transformed roots of a multimedicinal
plant, Sida acuta Burm.f.
By Jena, Somanatha; Sahu, Lopamudra; Ray, Dinesh K.; Mishra, Sagar K.; Chand, Pradeep K.
From Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (2015), 303(3), 2101-2112. Language: English, Database:
CAPLUS, DOI:10.1007/s10967-014-3788-4
Inorg. element compn. of genetically transformed hairy root cultures (HRCs) of a medicinal plant, Sida acuta was detd.
using PIXE technique. HRCs had a higher accumulation of pro-health trace elements compared to natural roots. It was
estd. that < 160 g d.wt. of a selected rhizoclone could suffice to provide nearly all tested essential elements catering to
per diem requirement of the human body. The ideal multi-elemental profile ushers a new possibility of integrating hairy
root exts. in modern therapeutics ("rhizotherapy") as complementary medicine or a dietary nutraceutical supplement.
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