Honey, the Airline which I booked my flight ticket with to Thailand has sent me the confirmation ticket and its certain now that we will be with you in Thailand on Sunday the 22nd of March 2015 because we will depart from here on Friday night 20th of March 2015 by (21:45) pm local time and arrive in Thailand on Sunday 22nd at 12:40 p.m Thailand local time. It is a two day flight. Honey note that South Africa is about 5 hours late behind Thailand. The Ticket is below, honey go through it and understand it and I also copied out the date we will arrive in Thailand out for you to understand and I highlighted the date with Red. My boarding pass will be printed when I get to the airport so I don't have it now. I would have sent a copy to you too.
Honey, please you must come and wait for me and Erin at the exit in the Airport, so that we can easily locate you because I don't know anywhere or anyone in Thailand, it will be my first time in Thailand.
Honey, we can't wait to meet you. I love you, kisses and hug for you. See you soon. I will let you know as soon as Erin is discharged from the hospital, now I am going to the hospital to be with Erin and also speak with the doctor.
I love you, see you soon.