A total of 6168 risk disclosure sentences were identified within the sample of annual reports. The risk categorisations and sentence characteristics that these disclosures fall within are detailed in Table 1. The two codes exhibiting the greatest numbers of disclosures are the non-monetary/neutral/non-time specific risk
management policy-financial risk disclosures (976) and non-monetary/neutral/non-time specific policy integrity risk disclosures (1419). The non-monetary/neutral/non-time specific policy-integrity risk disclosures comprise those disclosures mandated under the Turnbull Committee and describe the systems in place to manage risk (Blackburn, 1999). A typical example of this type of disclosure would be, ‘There is an ongoing process for identifying, evaluating and managing the significant risks affecting the business and the policies and procedures by which these risks are managed’ (GlaxoSmithKline, 2000, p. 33). The non-monetary/neutral/non-time specific policy-financial risk disclosures encompass the following type of sentences, ‘The Group uses derivative financial instruments to manage its exposures to fluctuations in