Green juice was obtained by grinding a second cut of early bloom Canadian alfalfa (Medicago sativa) for 5 min and by pressing it using a laboratory hydraulic press at pressure conditions comprised between 4 and 6 MPa for 2 min. Its physiochemical characterization reveals a sugar content of 4.60 g/L, a nitrogen content of 3.16 g/L and 2.00 g/L of phenolic compounds (Mechmech et al., 2015b). Hardwood hemicellulosic pre-hydrolysate obtained from a dissolving pulp mill was subjected to acid hydrolysis with sulfuric acid at 1.5% wt/wt, to convert the oligomeric sugars into monomers,
and then detoxified by flocculation using ferric sulfate with a final sugars concentration of 26.7 g/L (Mechmech et al., 2015a). Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 was obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) and inoculum preparation was carried out as described previously by Mechmech et al.